Lorraine's Story
Earlier this year, Lorraine (46), a quality engineer was suffering from joint pain and low self esteem after gradually putting on weight over time. She started looking for different ways of losing weight. With over 5 stone to lose, she was looking into Gastric Band Surgery, but found it was costly and invasive.
Lorraine saw Northants Hypnotherapy's Facebook page, checked out the reviews and testimonials and after seeing all the positive comments, she decided to bite the bullet and booked in for the Virtual Hypno Gastric Band Therapy.
At £550 the cost of the VHGB is a fraction of physical Gastric Band surgery
Lorraine said " It was extremely easy to book, I messaged privately through facebook and booked all 3 sessions together so I knew when they all were." After booking her appointment, Lorraine said " I really didn't know what to expect, I was worried you wouldn't be able to hypnotise me."
Lorraine openly admits being nervous before her first session and said " I had looked at virtual gastric band hypnosis online after booking the appointment, which wasn't very helpful."
Lorraine attended her first session and said " AMAZING!!! I did not know how stressed I was until I totally relaxed during the session. I was a bit dazed when I woke up but, but as I came more alert I felt so refreshed". After her first session, she wasn't sure if it had actually worked and said " After the first session it is strange but I thought I would feel different, but I didn't. When I got home, my Husband asked me what happened during the hypnosis, but I couldn't tell him, I thought it had failed because I couldn't remember anything that was said to me. Talking through my eating habits was an eye opener and saying it out loud made me personally realise what I had been doing."
In the following 5 days after her first session, Lorraine didn't really notice many changes, but other people had noticed that she'd stopped snacking and was saying no to biscuits and cakes at work!
At the second session, Lorraine had lost 1 lb in 5 days, and couldn't wait to be hypnotised again, looking forward to feeling relaxed and refreshed, and with others noticing slight changes in her behaviour, she was intrigued to see what came next.
After the second session, Lorraine said she felt disappointed that the session had ended as she felt so refreshed afterwards. When asked what differences did you notice after your second session, Lorraine said " I had started to eat smaller portions and was more aware of the nutritional values. There was definitely a change in me. I also had started to like myself which is something I hadn't done for a lot of years."
After the second session Lorraine lost 5 lbs in 16 days.
Lorraine prepared for the third and final session which encompasses the virtual hypno gastric band operation, by preparing a list of items that would be packed for the hospital stay and organising soft foods for the following 24 hours after the session, preparing the subconscious for the operation.
Lorraine said " I knew session 3 was the actual gastric band procedure session and really thought I would come round feeling like I'd just had an operation. I was quite worried but I had enjoyed the other two sessions so was also looking forward to it. It was a very mixed bag of emotions."
When asked to give a brief description of her experience of the virtual operation, Lorraine said " To be honest, I can't really remember much of the session apart from the hospital smell. Afterwards I was kind of dazed when I came round and was amazed that it didn't hurt, and kind of sad that this was my last session. On my drive home it felt a bit surreal. I called my hubby on the way home and he asked what I wanted for dinner and I thought I was going to be sick."
For the first 24 hours after the final session, Lorraine ate yogurt and cuppa soup and said " It was strange as I did not feel hungry in the slightest and at times had to make myself eat or I would have gone all day and not eaten anything.
Straight away there was a massive change in how much I could eat, we had a family meal at the local Indian restaurant and usually we would have poppadoms, starter, main course with sides, I couldn't finish my main! I don't eat in-between meals and only eat half the amount I used to. Also salt and vinegar crisps used to be my favourite but now I can't stomach the thought of them."
It has been 11 weeks since Lorraine's final therapy session and she has now lost 2 stone 1 lb.
Her husband and daughter have noticed the biggest changes and she says " I am now fitting into t-shirts that I haven't managed to fit into for years, they have commented that I now have a baggy bum in my jeans. lol.
I can say it is the best thing I have done, it is the first thing since having children that I have done solely for myself and I just wish I did it years ago. I now like myself which to me is the biggest change. Susan is so easy to speak to that talking to her made me realise things that I had never would have seen otherwise. It is not cheap but I have found it worth every penny."
When asked if she would recommend Susan at Northants Hypnotherapy and Virtual Hypno Gastric Band Therapy, Lorraine said "Definitely. I have posted a review on the facebook page and would be happy to speak to anyone who was thinking of having a virtual gastric band as it is truly the bet thing I have done."
Click here to book your Virtual Hypno Gastric Band Therapy